Did You Know?
Did You Know??
Lakewood Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine is a privately owned medical practice that is not controlled or owned by any hospital or hospital corporation. Our physicians have privileges with multiple hospitals and can thus work with you for your benefit.
Keeping checking DID YOU KNOW? for tips on staying healthy and educated.
Did You Know Cash is KING?
Lots of doctor offices will accept cash. Offer to make a “quick payment fee” in cash for such services as the visit, surgery, etc. Even with insurance, sometimes paying cash can save you money in the long term. Talk to your physician’s office.
Lakewood Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine will gladly accept cash in our office. Just ask.
Keeping checking DID YOU KNOW? for tips on staying healthy and educated.
Did you know Lakewood Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine has 3 staff members who speak Spanish to help our patients and their families understand everything that is happening with their injury? No matter which doctor you are seeing, these people are here for you. So call our office and set up your appointment.
We accept most insurance, check our website for the list, as well as cash. Let us help you get better.
Lakewood Ortopedia y medicina deportiva cuenta con 3 miembros del personal que hablan español para ayudar a nuestros pacientes y sus familias todo lo entender que está sucediendo con su lesión. No importa qué médico estás viendo, estas personas están aquí para usted. Así que llame a nuestra oficina y hacer su cita. Aceptamos la mayoría de los seguros, visite nuestro sitio web para la lista, así como dinero en efectivo. Deje que le ayudemos a mejorar.
Keeping checking DID YOU KNOW? for tips on staying healthy and educated.
Did you know Dr. Terry Gemas, from our office, has written a song for “Carry The Load” foundation and a film crew is in Dallas this weekend during the Memorial Day “Carry The Load” event as they prepare to make a movie from the song. The movie is tentatively scheduled for release this time next year.
Check the “Carry The Load Dallas” website for details of this weekend’s events and come on out to meet Dr. Gemas and participate in honoring our veterans.
Keeping checking DID YOU KNOW? for tips on staying healthy and educated.

Did you know carrying a wallet or similar item in your back pocket might be contributing to your back pain?
Keeping something in your back pocket for months can put pressure on your back. While sitting it acts as a fulcrum and causes the back to shift into an unnatural position causing pain. Get the items out of your pocket and you just might feel better.
If the pain persists or you are having problems with your back (neck, thoracic, lower) make an appointment to see a physician in our office.
Keeping checking DID YOU KNOW? for tips on staying healthy and educated.